Attorney Advantage Banking

Take advantage of every opportunity

At Citrusinter, we have a reputation for doing things differently. We specialize in providing curated personal service, innovative financial solutions and the industry expertise necessary to ensure growth and success.

AttorneyADVANTAGE is a suite of financial banking solutions designed to meet every challenge, seize every opportunity and able to support a diverse range of legal firms. Expert counsel is at the core of our commitment to specialized banking for attorneys and law firms. Whether you are a large, multi-disciplinary firm or a smaller, specialty practice, Citrusinter has over 15 years of expertise navigating the complexities of the legal landscape.

Citrusinter’s AttorneyADVANTAGE raises the bar, providing experienced, knowledgeable bankers able to assist with financial strategies to maximize operations through our innovative banking products and services. With a banker who knows the demands of your practice, you will better positioned to take advantage of every opportunity.

See the Advantage

IOLA Checking

Conveniently manage funds with a free, interest-bearing account with no minimum balance requirement and no monthly fees.

Cash Management

Securely manage your accounts online. Check account balances, view check images, sort, and search account activity, make ACH payments, initiate wire transfers, and set up multiple user access and authorization levels.

Positive Pay

Is an automated check fraud detection service that allows you to control your business’s payment processing. You can monitor the checks processed for payment and match them against a list of checks previously authorized and issued by the company. When checks are presented for payment at the bank, they are compared to your issue file by account number, check serial number, and dollar amount. Any discrepancies are flagged as exception items and sent to you for review.

ESCROW Deposit Management

Simplified ESCROW Deposit Management software enables you to maintain any number of trust accounts with unlimited clients (sub-ledgers), allocate account interest, generate reports, reconcile bank accounts, issue checks, disburse funds and generate year-end tax preparation in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) Services

ICS provides you with FDIC coverage greater than $250,000 on Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts while maintaining one banking relationship.

Remote Deposit Scanner

Conveniently scan and deposit checks with the latest financial technology directly from your office.

Automated Clearing House (ACH) Services

Transfer your money conveniently and securely through the ACH network. ACH services can help improve your business' cash flow payments by expediting the availability of funds.

If you’d like to learn more, please call Citrusinter at 000-000-0000 . Or, simply speak with an Capital Savings Representative at Banking Center near you.

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