2-3-4 Family Investment Property

The 2-3-4 Family Investor Program is tailored toward borrowers who are looking to buy or refinance two, three or four family investment residential properties. Our 2-3-4 Family Investor Family Program is a Non-Qualified Mortgage (Non-QM) program that allows borrowers to qualify based on alternative methods, instead of the traditional income verification required for most loans. Whether your clients are a new or experienced real estate investor, flexible qualification requirements makes real estate investment opportunities available to a broader group of individuals.

Program GuidelinesStandard
(Traditional Underwriting)
(Non-traditional Underwriting)
Competitive rates Yes Yes
Loan amounts max (per borrower) $4 Million $4 Million
Personal ownership Yes Yes
Corporate ownership Yes Yes
Up to 40 year terms Yes Yes
Occupancy Yes Yes
LTV (Loan-to-Value) Yes Yes
Minimum Global Debt Service Coverage of 1.25x 75% Purchase or 70% Cash-Out 70% Purchase or 65% Cash-Out
Minimum Credit Score 650 700
Reserves 9 Months 9 Months

If you’d like to learn more, please call Citrusinter at 000-000-0000 . Or, simply speak with an Capital Savings Representative at Banking Center near you.

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