* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 4.25% is effective as of November 28, 2022 and is offered for certificate of deposit (CD) and IRA CD accounts with a term of 15 months opened during the promotional period. A minimum opening balance of $1,000 is required to earn interest and to obtain the promotional APY. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. The sum of your total deposits with Citrusinter are insured up to $250,000. Additional coverage may be available depending on how your assets are held. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal of funds. Promotion is subject to change or withdrawn at any time without notice. Deposit products offered by Citrusinter, Member FDIC.
** Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 3.90% is effective as of November 28, 2022 and is offered for certificate of deposit (CD) and IRA CD accounts with a term of 24 months opened during the promotional period. A minimum opening balance of $1,000 is required to earn interest and to obtain the promotional APY. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. The sum of your total deposits with Citrusinter are insured up to $250,000. Additional coverage may be available depending on how your assets are held. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal of funds. Promotion is subject to change or withdrawn at any time without notice. Deposit products offered by Citrusinter, Member FDIC.
*** The sum of your total deposits with Citrusinter are insured up to $250,000. Additional coverage may be available depending on how your assets are held.